
作者: 时间:2021-03-16 点击数:

GB17915-1999 腐蚀性商品储藏养护技术条件



Specifications for storage and preservation of corrosive goods

2000-4-1 起执行









1 范围



2 引用标准


GB190—1990 危险货物包装标志

GB191—1990 包装储运图示标志

GB6944—1986 危险货物分类和品名编号

GB12268—1990 险货物品名表

GB12463—1990 危险货物运输包装通用技术条件

GBJ16—1987 建筑设计防火规范

3 储藏条件

3(1 库房条件


3(1(1 储藏发烟硝酸、溴素、高氯酸的库房应是低温、干燥通风的一、二级耐火建筑。

3(1(2 溴氢酸、碘氢酸要避光储藏。

3(2 货棚、露天货场条件


3(3 安全条件

on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.

3(3(1 商品避免阳光直射、曝晒、远离热源、电源、火源,库房建筑及各种设备符合GBJ16的规定。

3(3(2 按不同类别、性质、危险程度、灭火方法等分区分类储藏,性质相抵的禁止同库储藏。附录A(标准的附录)给出了化学危险物品混存性能互抵表。

3(4 环境卫生条件

3(4(1 库房地面、门窗、货架应经常打扫,保持清洁。

3(4(2 库区内的杂物、易燃物应及时清理,排水沟保持畅通。

3(5 温湿度条件


1 温湿度条件


4 入库验收

4(1 验收原则

4(1(1 入库商品必须附有生产许可证和产品检验合格证,进口商品必须附有中文安全技术说明书。

4(1(2 商品性状、理化常数应符合产品标准,由存货方负责检验。

4(1(3 保管方对商品外观、内外标志、容器包装及衬垫进行感官检验。

4(1(4 验收在库房外安全地点或验收室进行。

4(1(5 每种商品拆箱验收2~5箱(免检商品除外),发现问题扩大验收比例,验后将商品包装复原,并做标记。

4(2 验收项目

4(2(1 包装:符合GB12463的规定。

4(2(1(1 内外包装应有如下标志:

a) 品名;

b) 规格;

c) 等级;

d) 数(重)量;

on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.

e) 生产日期(批号);

f) 生产工厂;

g) 储运图示:应符合GB191的规定。

h) 腐蚀品标志:应符合GB190的规定。

4(2(1(2 包装封闭严密,完好无损,无水湿、污染。

4(2(1(3 包装、容器衬垫适当,安全、牢固。

4(2(2 质量(感官)

4(2(2(1 商品性状、颜色、粘稠度、透明度均应符合产品标准。

4(2(2(2 液体商品颜色 无异状,无挥发,无沉淀,无杂质。

4(2(2(3 固体商品无变色,无潮解,无溶化等现象。

4(2(3 验收结果处理

4(2(3(1 验收不符合4.2规定的不得入库,暂存观察室,通知存货方另行处理。

4(2(3(2 验收完毕,合格的签收入库,填写验收记录,转存货方。

5 堆垛


5(1 堆垛方法

5(1(1 库房、货棚或露天货场贮存的商品,货垛下应有隔潮设施,库房一般不低于15cm,货场不低于30cm。

5(1(2 根据商品性质、包装规格采用适当的堆垛方法,要求货垛整齐,堆码牢固,数量准确,禁止倒置。

5(1(3 按出厂先后或批号分别堆垛。

5(2 堆垛高度

a) 大铁桶液体立码,固体平放,一般不超过3m;

b) 大箱(内装坛、桶)1.5m;

c) 化学试剂木箱2~3m;

d) 袋装3~3.5m。

5( 3 堆垛间距

a) 主通道大于等于180cm;

b) 支通道大于等于80cm;

c) 墙距大于等于30cm;

d) 柱距大于等于10cm;

e) 垛距大于等于10cm;

f) 顶距大于等于50cm。

6 养护技术

6(1 温湿度管理

6(1(1 库房内设置温湿度计,按时观测、记录。

6(1(2 根据库房条件、商品性质,采用机械(要有防护措施)自控、自然等方法通风、去湿、保温。控制与调节库内温湿度在适宜范围之内。温湿度应符合表1的要求。 on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.

6(2 在库检查

6(2(1 安全检查

6(2(1(1 每天对库房内外进行检查,检查易燃物是否清理,货垛是否牢固,有无异常,库房内有无过浓刺激性气味。

6(2(1(2 遇特殊天气及时检查商品有无水湿受损,货场货垛苫垫是否严密。

6(2(2 商品质量检查

6(2(2(1 根据商品性质,定期进行感官质量检查,每种商品抽查1~2件,发现问题,扩大检查比例。

6(2(2(2 检查商品包装、封口、衬垫有无破损、渗漏,商品外观有无质量变化。

6(2(2(3 入库检个的商品,抽检其重量以计算保管损耗。

6(2(3 检查结果问题处理

6(2(3(1 检查结果逐项记录,在商品外包装上做出标记。

6(2(3(2 发现问题积极采取措施进行防治,同时通知存货方及时处理。

6(2(3(3 对接近有效期商品和冷背残次商品应填写催调单报存货方。

7 安全操作

7(1 操作人员必须穿工作服,戴护目镜、胶皮手套、胶皮围裙等必要的防护用具。

7(2 操作时必须轻搬轻放,严禁背负肩扛,防止摩擦震动和撞击。

7(3 不能使用沾染异物和能产生火花的机具,作业现场远离热源和火源。

7(4 分装、改装、开箱质量检查等在库房外进行。

8 储藏期限


9 出库


10 应急情况处理

10(1 消防方法见附录B(标准的附录)

10(2 消防人员灭火时应在上风口处并配戴防毒面具。禁止用高压水(对强酸)以防爆溅伤人。

10(3 进入口内立即用大量水漱口,服大量冷开水催吐或用氧化镁乳剂洗胃。呼吸道受到刺激或呼吸中毒立即转移至新鲜空气处吸氧。接触眼睛或皮肤,用大量水或小苏打水冲洗后敷氧化锌软膏,然后送医院诊治。灼伤或中毒急救参见附录C(提示的附录)。




on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.






? 说明过氧化钠等氧化物不宜和无机氧化剂混存。

? 说明具有还原性的亚硝酸钠等亚硝酸盐类,不宜和其他无机氧化剂混存。



on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.




on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.


on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.




C1 强酸


C2 强碱


C3 氢氟酸


C4 高氯酸


C5 氯化铬酰


C6 氯磺酸


C7 溴(溴素)




发布单位:国家质量技术监督局 1999-11-29



批准单位:国家质量技术监督局 1999-11-29

on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.

